Motivational Eid quotes and captions with beautiful crescent moon images to share with your friends and loved ones via instagram, facebook, whatsapp, etc.

This page is dediacated to those who like short quotes with simple graphics and images of moon to share in the occassion of Eid ul-fitr. Share short single like motivational as well as inspiring captions via social sites like instagram, facebook, whatsapp, pinterest, twitter(x), etc. This images with quotes, captions and messages are for everybody, like your friends, brothers or sisters, mother or father, husband or wife.
short motivational eid messages - Create your own shine when its dark. Eid Mubarak

Create your own shine when its dark. Eid Mubarak!
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short motivational eid quotation - Magic Happens When You Trust in ‘Allah’ and Believe In Yourself. Eid Mubarak!

Magic Happens When You Trust in ‘Allah’ and Believe In Yourself. Eid Mubarak!
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short motivational eid quotation - Be truthful, Its Beautiful. Eid Mubarak!

Be truthful, Its Beautiful. Eid Mubarak!
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short Eid caption - Celebrate how far you’ve come, and trust the journey ahead. Eid’s blessings are proof: every struggle leads to light. Eid Mubarak!

Celebrate how far you’ve come, and trust the journey ahead. Eid’s blessings are proof: every struggle leads to light. Eid Mubarak!
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short Eid caption - Celebrate how far you’ve come, and trust the journey ahead. Eid’s blessings are proof: every struggle leads to light. Eid Mubarak!

Celebrate how far you’ve come, and trust the journey ahead. Eid’s blessings are proof: every struggle leads to light. Eid Mubarak!
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More Eid cards, image scraps, eid al-fitr wishes images, animated greetings and wishes